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E​​piphan-A New Era of Interstellar ​Journey

Introduce Epiphan as an immersive interstellar immigration game set in 2370, where players navigate the cosmos to find a new habitable planet. Highlight the urgency of Earth's situation and the adventurous solutions that Epiphan offers.

Detail the unique aspects of the game, including the NFT-based spaceships, energy management, diverse team roles, and the intricate universe waiting to be explored.


Epiphan is an immersive interstellar immigration game set in 2370, where Earth's ecosystem faces severe destruction. Players become part of a critical mission to find new habitable planets, taking on roles as captains or crew members. The game revolves around space exploration, resource gathering, and survival as humanity seeks a new home. Engage in thrilling space adventures, manage resources, and navigate through unknown territories in a quest for survival and new beginnings in the vast cosmos. Epiphan combines strategy, teamwork, and exploration in a rich, narrative-driven universe.

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Your Odyssey Among Stars

Spaceships and Customization

Strategic resource management is crucial for survival and mission success. Players collect materials, manage energy, and adapt strategies to thrive in the cosmos.

Resource Management and Survival

Vital for survival, players gather resources and engage in interstellar trade, enhancing their space journey and economic prowess.

Dynamic Missions and Exploration

The game offers diverse missions and exploration opportunities, with each decision impacting the journey, fostering a deep sense of adventure and accomplishment.

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